sábado, mayo 18, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste opens Asissste digital services with portal, online and chat

#Mexico City. – The Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (#Issste) continues its transformation by launching Asissste digital services consisting of a portal, telephone line and chat, to provide its beneficiaries with easy, simple and quality access to the 21 benefits and services, informed the general director, Pedro Zenteno Santaella.

Through the new portal asissste.issste.gob.mx/ we seek to make Issste’s information accessible from a single site,» said Pedro Zenteno Santaella, director general of Issste. the Issste from a single site, so that beneficiaries know the requirements to make use of each of the services offered by the requirements to make use of each of the services and through some links they can access them in an agile way. them in an agile way, he explained.

Although the digital services already existed, there was a lot of disaggregated information and it was difficult or even impossible for the and it was difficult or complicated for beneficiaries to use them, and sometimes they did not even use them because they did not know that they were sometimes they did not use them because they did not know they were available. Now, with Asissste, they have been have been restructured to make them more efficient, explained the head of the agency.

The development of Asissste and of joint strategies to improve its operation and expand the range of digital services is the result of the joint work of the Regulatory Directorates of Health, Economic, Social and Cultural Benefits, Supervision and Quality, Prospective and Planning, and the Information Technology Subdirectorate.


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